- Photo Gallery of the Universe, pictures
from Hubble Space Telescope.
- Large collection of worldwide satellite weather
images (look for GOES enhanced Infrared)
- Beautiful collection of time-lapse videos recording celestial movements and changes in weather
- Virtual reality panoramas around the world at 360cities.net.
- Quang-Tuan Luong Photography: fantastic images of
the world's most beautiful places by a French-Vietnamese alpinist.
- Virtualtourist.com: online community of world travelers
- Travel photos from 154 countries in the world by Galen Frysinger
- Calphotos and Calflora, UC Berkeley's archive of California plants and natural resources
- Online map collection at UT
- Geographer's Craft
: notes and study materials
for geography and GIS
- High Asia, extensive trekking itineraries to remote, often unclimbed
high mountains in western China and Himalayas.
- Volcanoes, photos and scientific information
- Climbing trip reports on Sierra Nevada routes: climber.org (Loma Prieta
chapter of Sierra Club)
- Bay Area ski connection
- Native American Quotes: poignant words spoken by American Indian leaders facing destruction/genocide by western civilization.
- The complete Spengler: in-depth analysis and commentary on current world economic and cultural conflicts.
- My capoeira school: Capoeira Mandinga school in Berkeley, CA.
- SacredSites.com: facinating spiritual places in the world.
- Global Gayz, exploring conditions facing sexual minorities
in many of the world's traditional cultures.
- Literary Kicks: read about "Beat Generation" writers - Jack
Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, Gary Snyder. Kerouac's Dharma
Bums is one of my favorites.
- A model of Islamic Rectilinear Interlaced Lattices,
featuring best examples of Islamic art from Isfahan, Iran.
- Wikipedia, the web's best encyclopedic information source (example,
History of the Byzantine Empire, Sitting Bull/Tatanka Iyotake)
- Altavista's web site translator, featuring
all of the world's major languages
Note: Chinese language links are found in my Personal Page.